项目努力 is a federally-funded TRIO-Student 支持服务 (SSS) program, which is a program of the U.S. Department of Education. Chadron State College was awarded a renewable grant to fund this program and assist its population of 合格的学生.
项目努力, located in the Lower Level of the Reta King Library, offers free services to those who are eligible and currently enrolled in the program designed to motivate and 支持 qualified college students. This academic enrichment program is committed to helping college students persist to graduation through encouragement, 支持, and a wide range of activities. The 项目努力 program may also provide grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants.
Our goal is to increase the academic success, retention, and graduation rates of our participants. Additional objectives include career exploration, cultural and social enrichment, and self-awareness.
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